view function is deprecated to avoid any collision with view function. Please use viewxl instead.

view(x, ...)



An object of class data.frame, matrix, table or vector.


Any additional arguments available for write_xlsx.


Data object opened in a preferable spreadsheet application window which will in turn be called on your R session again.



See example below.

See also


if(interactive()) { library(ezpickr) data(airquality) str(airquality) ## View your data object in your spreadsheet software: view(airquality) # Then, when necessary, you can modify the opened data in the spreadsheet and save it as a new data. # You can pass a list object to the `view()` function like below: l <- list(iris = iris, mtcars = mtcars, chickwts = chickwts, quakes = quakes) view(l) # Then, each list item will appear in your Excel window sheet by sheet. }