Use this function for downloading a desired YouTube video caption in a tidy tibble data_frame form and save it as an Excel file in your current working directory.

  url = NULL,
  language = "en",
  savexl = FALSE,
  openxl = FALSE,
  path = getwd()



A string value for a single YouTube video link URL. A typical form should start with "" followed by a unique video ID.


two-character language code for the video URL. Set to "en" (English) by default. You can change this to fit with your needs (e.g., "ko" for Korean, "de" for German, etc.).


A logical value for determining whether or not to save the obtained tidy YouTube caption data as an Excel file. The default is FALSE which does not save it as a file. If set to TRUE, a file named "YouTube_caption_videoID.xlsx" is saved in your specified directory (the default is your current working directory).


A logical value for determining whether or not to open, if any, the saved YouTube_caption Excel file in your working directory. The default is FALSE. TRUE works only when the preceding argument (i.e., savexl) is set to TRUE.


A character vector of full path names; the default corresponds to the working directory, getwd. Tilde expansion (see path.expand) is performed. Missing values will be ignored.


tibble (advanced data.frame) object for a YouTube video caption will be returned.



See example below.



# \donttest{ library(youtubecaption) # Let's get the video caption out of Hadley Wickham's "You can't do data science in a GUI": url <- "" caption <- get_caption(url)
#> Warning: path[1]="C:\Anaconda3\envs\bookworm/python.exe": The system cannot find the file specified
#> Warning: path[1]="C:\Anaconda3\envs\bookworm/python.exe": The system cannot find the file specified
#> # A tibble: 1,420 x 5 #> segment_id text start duration vid #> <int> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> #> 1 1 thank you for coming to a meeting today 7.13 8.32 cpbtcsGE0~ #> 2 2 in regards to data science GUI with 10.7 8.44 cpbtcsGE0~ #> 3 3 happy with chief data scientist in our 15.4 7.11 cpbtcsGE0~ #> 4 4 studio as well as the member of the our 19.1 7.23 cpbtcsGE0~ #> 5 5 Foundation and an attempt professor at 22.6 6 cpbtcsGE0~ #> 6 6 Stanford and at the University of 26.4 6.48 cpbtcsGE0~ #> 7 7 Auckland he builds both computational 28.6 7.17 cpbtcsGE0~ #> 8 8 and cognitive tools to make data science 32.8 7.5 cpbtcsGE0~ #> 9 9 easier faster and more times his work 35.7 7.01 cpbtcsGE0~ #> 10 10 includes various packages as well as 40.4 6.21 cpbtcsGE0~ #> # ... with 1,410 more rows
# Save the caption as an Excel file and open it right it away ## Changing path to temp for the demonstration purpose only: get_caption(url = url, savexl = TRUE, openxl = TRUE, path = tempdir())
#> Warning: path[1]="C:\Anaconda3\envs\bookworm/python.exe": The system cannot find the file specified
#> Warning: path[1]="C:\Anaconda3\envs\bookworm/python.exe": The system cannot find the file specified
#> # A tibble: 1,420 x 5 #> segment_id text start duration vid #> <int> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> #> 1 1 thank you for coming to a meeting today 7.13 8.32 cpbtcsGE0~ #> 2 2 in regards to data science GUI with 10.7 8.44 cpbtcsGE0~ #> 3 3 happy with chief data scientist in our 15.4 7.11 cpbtcsGE0~ #> 4 4 studio as well as the member of the our 19.1 7.23 cpbtcsGE0~ #> 5 5 Foundation and an attempt professor at 22.6 6 cpbtcsGE0~ #> 6 6 Stanford and at the University of 26.4 6.48 cpbtcsGE0~ #> 7 7 Auckland he builds both computational 28.6 7.17 cpbtcsGE0~ #> 8 8 and cognitive tools to make data science 32.8 7.5 cpbtcsGE0~ #> 9 9 easier faster and more times his work 35.7 7.01 cpbtcsGE0~ #> 10 10 includes various packages as well as 40.4 6.21 cpbtcsGE0~ #> # ... with 1,410 more rows
# }